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Conférenciers Invités

Mercredi 9 novembre

Alexis Oblet

CTO, The Yard VFX
Mercredi 8 à 14:00


Alexis OBLET is Chief Technology Officer at The Yard VFX. He designed the technology foundation allowing The Yard’s recent rapid growth.
Alexis is in charge of defining, supervising and implementing the global strategy, including infrastructure, Software and R&D development. He was previously Head of Software at MPC Paris and started his career as Technical Director in various specialties.
His versatility and expertise include: 
imaging computer science, software / Infrastructure architecture , color science, visual effects workflow from ingest to delivery through CG and 2D departments, networking / security architecture and low level performance optimization.
Alexis graduated from IMAC Engineering school, mixing art and engineering. He also holds a Master’s degree in SIS (Signal Image Synthesis) completed at Gaspard Monge Institute (LIGM).
After hesitating pursuing a PhD degree, he eventually was taken away by the VFX passion, starting as Technical Director at MPC Paris. 

Titre : How to conquer more complex international VFX projects ?

Jeudi 9 novembre

Ana Serrano

Assistant Professor, Universidad de Zaragoza, Graphics & Imaging Lab
Jeudi 9 à 11:15


Ana Serrano is an Assistant Professor at Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). Previously she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics. She received her PhD in Computer Science in 2019. She was the recipient of an Adobe Research Fellowship honorable mention in 2017, and a NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship in 2018. Her doctoral thesis was recognized with one of the Eurographics 2020 PhD awards and she was recognized with the Eurographics Young Researcher Award in 2023. Her research focuses on various areas of visual computing, including computational imaging, material appearance perception and editing, and virtual reality. She is particularly interested in using perceptually-driven approaches to improve user experiences and develop tools to assist content creation.

Titre : Understanding user behavior and attention in immersive environments
Virtual reality (VR) is an exciting and rapidly growing medium that presents both challenges and opportunities. As VR techniques and applications continue to blossom, creating engaging experiences that exploit their potential becomes increasingly important. Understanding and being able to reliably predict human visual behavior is an essential factor in achieving this goal. This knowledge can be the key to designing more engaging storytelling experiences and developing efficient content-aware compression and rendering techniques that take into account users’ attentional patterns and behavior. In this talk, we will explore approaches and challenges involved in modeling visual attention and gaze behavior in immersive 360º environments. By studying how users allocate their attention and direct their gaze, we can uncover valuable insights for creating immersive VR experiences.

Noura Faraj

Associate Professor, Université de Montpellier/LIRMM, ICAR Team
Jeudi 9 à 13:45


Noura Faraj is an Associate Professor in Computer Graphics at the Université de Montpellier where she joined the ICAR team of the LIRMM in September 2018. She completed her PhD on Modeling, Visualization and Interaction with 3D Volumes using Meshes in 2013 in the Computer Graphics Group of Telecom ParisTech under the supervision of Tamy Boubekeur and Isabelle Bloch. Her current research work addresses how to model, interact with and visualize interactively large structured volume datasets with a keen interest in medical and biological applications. Her work is at the intersection of variety of topics related to computer graphics and visualization.

Titre : TBA


Vendredi 10 novembre

Stephane Cotin

Research Director at Inria and leader of the MIMESIS team.
Vendredi 10 à 11:15


Stéphane Cotin is a Research Director at Inria and leads the MIMESIS team. He is also the co-leader of the MLMS team at the Icube CNRS laboratory in Strasbourg. His research interests include real-time physics-based simulation and scientific machine learning, with a focus on medical applications such as surgical training and computer-guided interventions. Stéphane has authored or co-authored about 200 scientific articles, with more than 10,000 citations and an h-index of 50. He is actively involved in the scientific community and regularly serves as chair, co-chair, or area chair of key conferences such as MICCAI or IPCAI. Stéphane is also a strong advocate of open science and has initiated the SOFA project, which is now a reference open-source solution in the field of multi-physics simulation. In recognition of his cross-disciplinary research, he was awarded the Academy of Sciences award in 2018 and was elected a member of the French Academy of Surgery in 2020. Additionally, he is the co-founder of three companies: InSimo, Twinical, and EVE Evolving Education.
Titre : Reducing errors in surgery through real-time, physics-based models: from medical training to computer-assisted interventions.