Conférenciers Invités
Mercredi 9 novembre
Alexis Oblet
CTO, The Yard VFX
Mercredi 8 à 14:00
His versatility and expertise include: imaging computer science, software / Infrastructure architecture , color science, visual effects workflow from ingest to delivery through CG and 2D departments, networking / security architecture and low level performance optimization.
Alexis graduated from IMAC Engineering school, mixing art and engineering. He also holds a Master’s degree in SIS (Signal Image Synthesis) completed at Gaspard Monge Institute (LIGM).After hesitating pursuing a PhD degree, he eventually was taken away by the VFX passion, starting as Technical Director at MPC Paris.
Titre : How to conquer more complex international VFX projects ?
Jeudi 9 novembre
Ana Serrano
Assistant Professor, Universidad de Zaragoza, Graphics & Imaging Lab
Jeudi 9 à 11:15
Ana Serrano is an Assistant Professor at Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). Previously she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics. She received her PhD in Computer Science in 2019. She was the recipient of an Adobe Research Fellowship honorable mention in 2017, and a NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship in 2018. Her doctoral thesis was recognized with one of the Eurographics 2020 PhD awards and she was recognized with the Eurographics Young Researcher Award in 2023. Her research focuses on various areas of visual computing, including computational imaging, material appearance perception and editing, and virtual reality. She is particularly interested in using perceptually-driven approaches to improve user experiences and develop tools to assist content creation.
Noura Faraj
Associate Professor, Université de Montpellier/LIRMM, ICAR Team
Jeudi 9 à 13:45
Noura Faraj is an Associate Professor in Computer Graphics at the Université de Montpellier where she joined the ICAR team of the LIRMM in September 2018. She completed her PhD on Modeling, Visualization and Interaction with 3D Volumes using Meshes in 2013 in the Computer Graphics Group of Telecom ParisTech under the supervision of Tamy Boubekeur and Isabelle Bloch. Her current research work addresses how to model, interact with and visualize interactively large structured volume datasets with a keen interest in medical and biological applications. Her work is at the intersection of variety of topics related to computer graphics and visualization.
Vendredi 10 novembre
Stephane Cotin
Research Director at Inria and leader of the MIMESIS team.
Vendredi 10 à 11:15